Baris dance come from word Babarisan that could be interpreted by troops is the dance of heroism of the line dance also was the ceremony dance. Baris dance is dance by several man between 4 and 40, sometime more. Kind of Baris dance are Baris Ketok Jago, Baris Tombak, Baris Poleng, Baris Presi, Baris Gayung, Baris Demang and Baris Cerukak.
1. Baris Ketok Jago are the dance that carry spear weapon black and white normally was shown for the Manusa Yadnya ceremony (cremation) and was accompanied with "Gong Gamelan".
2. Baris Tombak are the dance that utilised the spear weapon was danced in the Dewa Yadnya Ceremony and accompanied with "Gong".
3. Baris Poleng is simillar with Baris Ketok Jago. The dance carry the shield weapon that normally staged for the Dewa Yadnya Ceremony.
4. Baris Presi are the dance that carry weapon named Presi, that normally stage for Dewa Yadnya Ceremony.
5. Baris Gayung is the dance that bring the dipper or cantil (implement to bring holy water).
6. Baris Demang is the dance that received the influence gambuh, utilised the sword weapon.
7. Baris Cerukak is the birds movements dance with very simple fashion, The head decoration was made from the foliage like the Dayak dance in Kalimantan.
Rejang dance is the Princess dance that dance by some girls. The dance movements are simple that usually dance in the Temple when there is a ceremony. This dance carried out the fully feeling of the hydrate of Bhatara-Bhatari (Deva-Devi). The dance in a marching manner surrounded the page of the Temple the occasionally with hold hand. Kind of the Rejang dance is Rejang Renteng, Rejang Bengkel, Rejang Ayodpadi, Rejang sutri, Rejang Galuh, Rejang Dewa, Rejang Palak, Rejang Membingin dan Rejang Makitut.
Sanghyang dance is the sacred dance where the spirits come into the dancer body. Both the spirit of Devi or animals that had the invisible strength. This dance was the cultural inheritance preHindu that was purposeful refused the army. The Sanghyang dance was the spiritual communication dance from the community member. It was naturally disappeared with the sang and worship with the accompaniment of percussion music. In this dance always had three important elements there are fire, Sanghyang song and dancer. The Sanghyang dance was generally staged in Bali consist of Sanghyang Dedari, Sanghyang Deling, Sanghyang Bojog, Sanghyang Jaran, Sanghyang Sampat and Sanghyang Celeng.
1. Sanghyang Dedari is dance by a two young girl that beforehand they dance the community and priest will do some ceremony and sing Sanghyang Dedari song until unconscious sign of the spirit come into the dancer body. The aim staging of this dance was to request the safety from the natural disaster or the plague of the illness. This dance was received in the area of the Badung Regency, Gianyar Regency and Bangli Regency.
2. Sanghyang Deling is dance by a two young girl. Spirit of the God Vishnu and Devi Sri that symbol of the fertility come into the dancer body. In the place there is a tree that hang by two dolls that called "Deling" made from lontar leaves. If it the tree wobbled fast that means the spirit already come into dancer body. The aim of this dance was requested the safety.
3. Sanghyang Bojog is dance by a man with the fashion like a monkey. After the spirit come into his body, the dancer will jump up and down on the tree imitated monkey movement. Sometime his movement is difficult to be imitated by humankind.
4. Sanghyang Jaran is dance by man that drive a horse that made from the coconut leaves. After ceremony and the spirit come into his body, the dancer go and run small with a neked foot step on the fire that was prepare in the area.
5. Sanghyang sampat is dance by a girl who is entered by the spirit and take a broom intermediary and the movement from left to right. Or sometime with bamboo.
6. Sanghyang Celeng is dance by a man with the fashion made from palm fibre that resembled a pig. After the dancer enter by spirit, then the dancer would walk and behave like a pig.
Buleleng regency is regency seat in Singaraja. Buleleng was faounded as a kingdon by Gusti Panji Sakti. He is commemorated as a heroic ancestor-fugure who expanded the power of Buleleng to Blambangan on East Java. The kingdom was weakened during his successors and fell under the suzerainty of the neighbouring Karangasem Kingdom in the second half of the 18th century.
Tourism in Buleleng Regency, namely :
1. Waterfall Gitgit is located in the Gitgit, Sukasada village, 11 km from the Singaraja city. The waterfall hight is 35 netre this is very beautiful and cool climate. Descend by walking after passing the gitgit parking. There are several local young men that was organised by the local traditional village offered the service accompained the tourist towards this beautiful waterfall tours.
2. The National West Bali Park is the conservation region of nature that had original ecosystem, its also managed with the system zonasi, that could be made use the aim of the research, science, supported the cultivation, tourism and recreation.
3. Pulaki Temple is located in Banyu Poh village, Grogak district, Buleleng around 49 km next west the Singaraja city. The function of the Pulaki Temple is the holy place to worship Sanghyang Widhi and to worship the spirit grandeur Sri Patni Kaniten that achieved redemption.
4. Menjangan Island is located on the north of the National West Bali Park, 76 km west Singaraja city. To reached the island tourist must used motor-boat around 30 minutes. Menjangan Island is small island without occupants widely approximately 175 hectare consisted of coral, the vulcanic rock stone as well as the volcanic black land. This island offered the potential beauty of sorrounding sea taht really suitable for the recreation activity as well as water sport like : Snorkelling and Scuba diving.
5. Hot water Banjar is located in Banjar village, Buleleng 24 km west Singaraja city. The hot water is natural hot water that considered could cure the illness. The source of the hot water was estimated aged hundreds years, since the Japanese occupation time the source of this hot water was straightened out and made use of.
6. Sanih water or Yeh Sanih is the tourist attraction that located 17 km from Singaraja. The lagend of this place is the place for the young couple for swim. According to the local community belief the source of this water had the origin from the Batur Lake that location 100 km from this place. This place often use for Hindu ceremony. You can also find Hindu Temple for the God Vishnu. This is natural swimming pool.
7. Lovina beach is located 9 km west Singaraja city, this is one tourist attraction in northen Bali. Both forgein and local tourist who visit other than to see the unspoiled beaches and also to see the dolphins which is widely avaible in this beach. By hiring a local fishing boat, we can approach the dolphins.
Karangasem regency is one of the regency in Bali Island. Its regency seat in Amlapura. Karangasem was devastated when mount Agung erupted in 1963, ultimately killed 1900 people. Karangasem formerly was a kingdom before Bali was conquered by the Dutch.
Tourism in Klungkung Regency, namely :
1. The Ujung Park was established in 1919 by King Karangasem. Its located in Tumbu village 85 km from the Ngurah Rai Airport. At that time is used for King Karangasem holiday. The construction of Ujung Park architecture had the resemblance with the Water Tirtagangga and The Agung Temple in Karangasem.
2. Candidasa is the area of the main aim of tourist who came to Karangasem. Its located in the Bugbug Village, Karangasem. Candidasa known as the replica of the Kuta beach because had a same white sand beach. Really suitable for water sport such as swimming, diving, snorkeling, ect.
3. Tulamben is very famous in Bali as the place for diving and snorkeling. Here we could encounter the US Liberty Ship that sank on the world war II. There are various tropical fish. Because the beautiful place tulamben is often call heaven for the diving and snorkeling lover. Tulamben is located 21 km north Karangasem in Kubu village.
4. Besakih is located in Rendang Village. Besaking offer the panorama with backdrop Mount Agung that had height 3142 metre. In the Mount Agung there are Temples name Besakih Temple. Besakih Temple is the biggest Temple in Bali. Its a Holly Hindu Temple.
5. Jambul hill is located in Pesaban, Rendang Village, 8 km north Semarapura. This is very famous hill for the tourist to have a rest. This place has beautiful nature scenery.
6. The Waja lake is located in Rendang Village. This place is suitable for the rafting activities. The waja lake has very beautiful clean water, some coral and the big stone along the river.
7. Tirtagangga is located in Abang village, only 6 km north Amlapura. Tirtagangga was established during 1948 by King Karangasem. It was used as the place for rest of King family. The architecture was escort between Europe, China and traditional Balinese architecture. Surrounded by beautiful panorama.
8. Karangasem Kingdom is located in Amlapura. Amlapura is the capital from Karangasem regency. Its located 78 km east Denpasar. Amlapura establised as a centre of the Kingdom.
9. Tenganan village is a traditional Balinese village. This village is located in Manggis, Karangasem. This one of the 3 villages Balinese aga. Balinese aga is the village that still maintaining the pattern of the life that his community's order referred in the traditional rule the village tradition that bequeathed by their ancestor.
Klungkung regency is the smallest regency in Bali. The Klungkung territory 112,16 km located around Balinese island and 202,84 km located in Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan.
Tourism in Klungkung Regency, namely :
1. Batu Klotok beach is located 5 km east Semarapura district. This place is very interesting because the beautiful rice field view and also Agung mount.
2. Gelgel Village is located 3 km east Semarapura distric, close with Kamasan Village. This village is very famous with their diligance wove Songket cloth that became the typical characteristic of this village.
3. Kamasan Village famous with silver diligance, gold and the traditional puppet painting. Art object pruduced by silver diligance, gold, the cover of bullets and the typical painting this tarditional puppet apart from tight conection for also religious ceremonies.
4. Bat cave is interesting place to visit because the strategic location at the edge of the coast with sea scenery and the Nusa Penida Island. Sometime tourist can also witness the activity of the traditional ceremony and the hanging bat in the Goa bank.
5. Nusa Penida is a little island southeast of Bali. Administratively, the island is a subdistric of Klungkung regency. There are several objects as well as the place for water recreation. It is maritime regionwith plans coral that very beautiful and various kind of fish. There is also Coral with a beautiful scenery. The beach in Nusa Penida is white sand beach.
6. Lembongan and Jungutbatu beach is white sand beach. There are various kind of fish as well as coral that very beautiful and multicoloured. There are many interesting attractions could be also done and carried out by the tourist such as ship bananas, submarine, diving, ect. Tourist also can see beautiful scenery from ceningan. There is a bridge conected Lembongan Island and Ceningan Island.
7. Kerta Gosa and Gili Object in ancient was part of the Semarapura Palace and built in the age 17. This place is located 40 km east of Denpasar city. 2 km from this place there uis Kamasan Village that famous with silver diligance, gold and traditional puppet painting.
8. Kusamba Beach is located 7 km east from Semarapura city. This beach is for fishing and also the place of the production of salt. This beach can be very interesting for tourist.
Bangli regency is the only one regency in Bali that didn't have the sea territory. But this regency has the biggest lake in Bali. Bangli is located in the middle of Bali Island.
Tourism in Bangli Regency, namely :
1. Batur lake located in foot Mount Batur, approximately 2 hours from Kuta. Its the biggest lake in Bali. Water from this lake foolow all big river in Bali. At the edgeof this lake stood the Batur Temple for workship Betari Danu manifestasi of the God in his function to protect agriculture.
2. Kitamani is one of the tourist attraction in Bali. The most pavorite here is the Penelokan village. This village located in the Mount Batur. Here was gotten the small volcano. In certainly season usually the rain season will be also fog.

3. Trunyan Village is an old village in the Batur lakeside, Kintamani, Bangli. This village is one of the Balinese Aga Village. Culture of the person Trunyan reflected one pattern of culture of the conservative farmer. Be based on folk etymology, the inhabitants Trunyan though their identity in two version. The first version is that the person Trunyan was Balinese the descendants, because they believed that their ancestors descended from sky to the Trunyan earth. In relation to this version, the person Trunyan had one myth or the holy fair tale concerning the inhabitants origin Trunyan was Dewi from the sky. The second version, The person Trunyan lived in the ecology system with the existance of the Taru trees, that are the trees spread the fragrant scents. From the mix of "Taru" and "Menyan" developing Trunyan words that was worn by the name of village. The Trunyan village is located on the east of the lip of lake Batur, this location really isolated. From the Kedisan to Trunyan village people must cross the Batur Lake for 45 minutes with the motor-boat. Apart from the waterway, Trunyan can also reached through the Buahan and Abang village. The climate of Trunyan village is very cool air, with temperature 17 degree and could descend until 12 degree. Trunyan belief concering the illness and the death, the the funeral method of the person had two sorts there are place the body on the land was supervised by the open air that was mentioned with the term by means was them that when the death including people who were married, people that still study or the small child. And People who were buried after dying were them who were flawed hi body or when dying was gotten by the wound that didn't yet recover like for example to happen to the body of the small pox sufferer, leprosy and other. People who died inappropriately as being killed or the suicide was also buried. Small children that his milk teeth not yet the date also buried when dying.

4. Penglipuran Traditional Village is located in Bangli regency 45 km from Denpasar city. This village is also tourist attraction because very easy to find. Its very beautiful village that you can start see when you enter the village region. THis village is one of the rural regions in Bali that had the order to arranged from the structure of the traditional village, the blend of the traditional order with much space. There is open beautiful garden made this village look like Balinise long time ago.